Bianca Bannister had thought of something nobody else had in order to win the vodka toss at a recent afternoon silent auction to raise money for a local women’s centre.
As everyone threw their loonies at the bottle of Raspberry Absolut in order to get their coins as close as they could, Bannister crouched down and slid it, slowly parking it millimeters away and defeating the shot of auctioneer John Ki.
However, Ki wasn’t giving up that easily. Imitating Samuel’s method he managed to inch his coin, after a second try, closer to Bannister’s, defeating her and winning the coveted Absolut vodka.
Winning, of course, wasn’t the goal at the Third Annual Sold to the Highest Bidder on Nov. 8.
“I actually did a minor in women’s studies so I figure this is a good experience and a good charitable event to contribute to and give back to the community,” said Bannister, adding everything at the event was a good idea even if she didn’t end up taking home anything.
Rosyln Shield, a board member for the Scarborough Women’s Centre, agreed with Bannister’s thoughts.
“It’s a good cause to help contribute to women.”
All proceeds raised that day go directly to the women’s centre.
“We’ve found that it [the silent auction] is a great way to raise funds because it’s an opportunity for people who donate the items to showcase their products and services,” said Lynda Kosowan, the executive director of the Scarborough Women’s Centre.
“And [they] know that the money is going 100 per cent towards the services to women who want to move forward in their lives – so everybody wins.”
Celebrating 25 years and located at Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue, the centre is dedicated to providing counseling services and resources to women who have been abused or who need somewhere to go.
“Women can call in and talk about a situation and we can help them find resources that will address their needs as well as we have courses and workshops as well,” said Kosowan, adding counseling and mentoring is free but there is a nominal fee for courses and workshops the centre is willing to subsidize for women who can’t afford it.
Four V.I.P. tickets to the last taping of Rick Mercer’s CBC TV show, four tickets to a sold out showing of Cinderella at the Elgin Mills Theatre, and two Maple Leafs’ gold seat tickets (all donated), were among the most sought-after during the live auctions.
Ki, a celebrity comedian who won Q107’s “Funniest person with a day job!” and has appeared on Just for Laughs and The Hour, led the live auction and got the crowd excited by trying to outbid the bidders on almost every item.
“Being in comedy you get asked to do a lot of events for charity and this is one of the ones I truly, strongly believe in, so I’m just very happy to be here as well,” he said.