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A 23-year-old man survived being struck by an SUV in the intersection of Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue on Sept. 13.
Witnesses had said the man died from his injuries, but later police reports suggest he survived.
The crash happened shortly before 7 a.m., according to police. The man was rushed to the trauma centre with apparent head injuries.
Residents of the area said the man was running across the busy road to catch the bus when he ran into the right rear side of a Toyota RAV4.
The SUV, facing a green light, was turning left onto Markham Road when the pedestrian was hurt.
The incident caused major delays as TTC routes and other traffic were diverted away from the intersection. Police work closed off the area for most of the morning.
Police document damage to the SUV that reportedly struck a 23-year-old man in the intersection of Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue Sept. 13.
Police document damage to the SUV that reportedly struck a 23-year-old man in the intersection of Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue Sept. 13.
Police document damage to the SUV that reportedly struck a 23-year-old man in the intersection of Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue Sept. 13.
Police document damage to the SUV that reportedly struck a 23-year-old man in the intersection of Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue Sept. 13.
Police document damage to the SUV that reportedly struck a 23-year-old man in the intersection of Markham Road and Ellesmere Avenue Sept. 13.