A teenage boy has been rushed to hospital Thursday following a daytime stabbing that took place outside Ping Field Variety Store in Toronto’s Riverdale neighbourhood.
The victim was rushed to a nearby trauma centre as his injuries appeared to be life-threatening, according to a Toronto police news release.
“I thought I heard gunshots…then all I saw were police everywhere,” said Marco Blen, a worker at The Smooz — a coffee shop located in the area where the stabbing took place.
Many residents in the area were unsure of what had occurred and why the police swarmed the idyllic neighbourhood.
Police and forensic identification services arrived on the scene shortly after the 11:30 a.m. incident.
Investigators cordoned off the area in yellow crime scene tape, which resulted in road closures on Strathcona and Wroxeter Avenues, south of Danforth and Pape.
A trail of blood was visible on the ground heading down Pape Avenue and left down Wroxeter Avenue
A detective with the Toronto Police Services who was on the scene of the stabbing, said the suspect was still at large, but that the area was safe to be in.
Update to follow.