Articles by Alexis Ramlall

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Photoshop controversy in the online makeup artist community

The rise of social media “influencers” has introduced a hierarchy amongst the MUAs of Instagram. In a world where timing is key, some will do anything to be at the top of this hierarchy, which leaves little to no room for the recognition of new talent.

Canadian sailor

Where would Canada be without patriotism?

Centennial College’s Story Arts Centre hosted a Remembrance Day service last Friday, where students, faculty, and community members alike came together to listen to the testimonies of two Second World War veterans and one current sub-lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Navy, currently in his 23rd year of active service.

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One immigrant at a time, NDP candidate Nikki Clarke is determined to make the move to Canada easier

The cost to immigrate to Canada is yet another hurdle faced by immigrants who choose to come here on a student visa.
“The problem is, after you come here you have so many things that you face, especially related to money. I was a student [and] there are many students like me who are living here, paying excessive rent and paying excessive taxes,” she said.
It is a familiar story for the NDP’s Clarke, who told the audience she, too, was no exception.
“It took some time to acclimatize,” Clarke said. “We had to go through a process where my parents left respectable jobs in Jamaica to start from the bottom and work their way up [in Canada].”