East York · Features

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Trustee: Trading EAs for ECEs won’t work

“We need enough EAs in these schools,” said trustee Sheila Cary-Meagher. “They are a crucial stop-gap. We can’t turn out backs on them. I am deeply concerned we are stripping those schools too low, where they can’t function safely.”

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Bicyclists hit the books

I usually just throw my bike in the car and ride in Algonquin Park. But even if I’m just going to ride here and there I might as well know how to look after my bike or even how to tell when it should be looked after,” Lynn Rice said.

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A living legacy

“They represent probably the largest patient campaign that OneMatch has had,” said John Bromley of the OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network. “Her legacy with OneMatch will go as a person whose generosity was up and beyond the actual need for the one person herself. Cathy’s family was always the first one to say that we want to do it on behalf of the other over 900 patients waiting for a transplant.”

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East Side Players’ hit show concludes this weekend

Joanna Murray-Smith, one of Australia’s leading playwrights, offers her best in this 2002 play, recreating the intricacies and moral quandaries of middle-class life. Director Heather Roberts, with 25 years’ experience both backstage and on stage, handles the nuances of the play with precision and deftness.