165 Cosburn

165 Cosburn Ave.

165 Cosburn Ave.: garbage in the garage

If you look up the city’s Municipal Licensing & Standings division, there are many buildings around the city being audited because of tenant complaints about building conditions. In 2011 the city audited the apartment building at 165 Cosburn Ave. in East York after residents complained about property standards pertaining to the parking garage. Six years later, the building still has problems.

165 Cosburn Ave.

New tenant bylaws may improve living in East York buildings

Effective July 1, 2017, landlords in Toronto are expected to register with the city for the units they rent out, and pay a $10.60 annual fee for each unit. Landlords are also subject to do cleaning, maintenance and implementing security protocols, and must regularly conduct pest inspections. The bylaws will affect over 3,500 buildings across the city.