The government has suggested shifting diabetes education for type 1 and type 2 patients.
Community diabetes education centres (DECs) are taking over for some doctors when it comes to informing their patients about their condition.
This brings us to ask the question: is this shift in education allowing the disease to progress faster in some patients?
If patients are not informed about how to use the medications prescribed by their doctor and do not know all the background about diabetes and risks it could make their condition worse.
Some patients may not take the initiative to go to the DECs or may not know about them.
Patients should be completely informed by their doctors. They shouldn’t have to look for outside help. If this was the case the risk of diabetes progressing in patients to a dangerous level could decrease.
Older patients are at a huge disadvantage in this area. Seniors with diabetes may not know the questions to ask and may think their doctor is telling them everything they need to know.
If doctors fully educate their patients about what they are going through and the steps they need to take to care of themselves, patients can have a better handle on their diabetes and get everything the health-care system has to offer.