The Advent Calendar is an age-old tradition, and in 1985 it went along the lines of:
Jim Bob wakes up, throws off his covers to race downstairs to the kitchen. His mum, Betty Sue turns to him and says, “I hope you brushed your teeth first young man”. Jim Bob ignores her, and beelines to his advent calendar to get his chocolate of the day. It tastes like Dec. 6 and plastic.
The Advent calendar originated in Germany in the 19th century.
The first printed Advent calendar was said to of consist of miniature coloured photos attached to cardboard, marking each day of the month of December. Later, little doors were added which, when opened, may have revealed a bible verse, candy or christmas illustration.
It’s now 2015 and Jim Bob’s all grown up with kids of his own — and they expect their dad to get with the times, with everything from Lego, books, kittens and scarf calendars making the rounds.
The Observer turned to social media in search some of the coolest and quirkiest Advent calendars going. Here’s what we found: