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Slow start doesn’t worry Saints

Head coach Kevin Jeffers said that with the constantly changing rosters in high school basketball – players graduating or transferring schools – his team is currently experiencing a period of self-discovery.
“They haven’t found their identity yet,” he said. “Once they get comfortable in their roles, we’ll be fine.”

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The Hoop Factory: Building better ballers

Toronto should be a hot spot for young basketball talent. The city possesses demographics that match the NBA – populations of African, Eastern European, and Asian descent. It’s the few top-notch high school and post-secondary programs developing the sport across the GTA that forces local athletes down south.

The Hoop Factory basketball camp tries to take players to the next level, and instil professional training at home, before they make that leap.

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East York Basketball Club enhances community

At Cosburn Middle School every Saturday, more than a dozen volunteer coaches teach basketball to kids from grades 1 through 10.

But more than just giving kids the opportunity to develop skills, the East York Basketball Club serves as a way to bring the community closer together.