Scarborough · Arts & Life

A personal reflection on Hanukkah

Latkes, lighting of the menorah and dreidels are usually what come to mind when thinking about Hanukkah. However, there is more to this festival of lights. It’s about connecting. It’s about tradition. It’s about family.

Decades-old crime remembered at Scarborough library branch

It happened more than 50 years ago yet the story still elicits gasps. And Toronto-based author Nate Hendley wrote the book about it. “Imagine being a 14-year-old boy who takes a classmate on a bike ride one spring evening,” he said, reading from his book Steven Truscott: Decades of Injustice. “In the days to follow, the classmate is found dead and you stand accused of rape and murder.”

Tracing its Canadian roots: A Christmas Story turns 30

“It’s indescribably beautiful!” This was a joyous “Old Man Parker” describing the classic leg lamp in one of the fondly recalled scenes from the popular film A Christmas Story. But what some may not know, is that the scene was shot in Scarborough at the amalgamated Madger Film Studio.

Unique pieces by Scarborough artisans make for one-of-a-kind gifts

It’s not often you can pick up a holiday gift — a wristwatch, say — knowing for certain that no one else will buy the same. Not often, but not impossible. Scarborough’s Scott Wilk makes custom watches. His Wilk Watchworks does not sell retail, but about 110 pieces are available for purchase at this year’s One of a Kind Christmas Show and Sale.