Toronto · Opinion

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‘Tis the season for vitamin D

When braving the tanning bed, one must make sure the lamps are those of medium pressure, which are jam-packed with UVB rays. UVB will ensure that you don’t burn, but that you will still get loads of vitamin D.

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Toronto’s Genovese syndrome

The Genovese syndrome is also known as the bystander effect. It refers to this principle: the more people present, the less likely people are to help a person in distress.

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Editorial: Crack down on drunk drivers

For a nation ranked just this month as the fourth best place to live in the world, Canada seems to have trouble with a basic quality-of-life issue: keeping alcohol out of the cars after leaving the bars.

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Confessions of a scaffolder

The transition from summery Toronto to cold, grey Edmonton made me reconsider the entire trip. But it was at this point that I learned something not only about myself, but also about many labourers.

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Opinion: Car cellphones a convenient danger

While I have never been a fan of the flashing-blue-light-in-the-ear look, or of people babbling into thin air, if the new rule is going to help protect my life and the lives of countless others on the road, I guess I’m willing to look a little goofy.

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Editorial: Body Worlds is respectful

The volunteers who gave their bodies for this purpose may well have agreed that the body is a temple. They’re simply allowing their beneficiaries to display that temple in a new and unique way.