Toronto Public Library

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All sides assess settlement of library strike

“There seemed to be, for the people that were coming into my branch, no anger or resentment. People were just very, very happy that the library had reopened,” branch manager Jean Kowaleski said. “It was gratifying because it did show how important library service is to the community.”

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Bicyclists hit the books

I usually just throw my bike in the car and ride in Algonquin Park. But even if I’m just going to ride here and there I might as well know how to look after my bike or even how to tell when it should be looked after,” Lynn Rice said.

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Library strike stirs up some confusion among the public

Having an overdue book from the library is something that many people fear, but what happens when you literally cannot bring the book back back?

This was a major question for people when on Mar. 18 Toronto Public Libraries went on strike; shutting down all 98 branches in the city.

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Age isn’t just a number for Scarborough

Members of the Scarborough Historical Society take great pride in preserving the area’s history, but the problem they face is making it interesting to younger generations. According to Rick Schofield, treasurer at the Scarborough Historical Society, the drive to prepare students for provincial testing, has led to less time being spent on learning local history. Schofield also says the province’s stronger focus on English, Math, and Science has led to an overall ignorance among young people regarding Scarborough’s history.

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Are paper books dying?

What started out as telling stories using spoken word has evolved over time and is now breaching the world of technology. Electronic books (ebooks) are the newest method of sharing stories and their popularity is steadily increasing. Indigo, Amazon and Sony, among others, all have their own version of the electronic book reader (e-reader).