
The baseball doesn’t fall far from the tree

Sarasota, Fla.- Baseball traditions run deep in Steve Johnson’s family. The Baltimore Orioles right-handed pitcher continues to follow in his father’s footsteps as a Major League ballplayer. Steve Johnson’s father Dave Johnson has been a…

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Woman aiming to change the autobody industry

“Because you’re predominantly in a male-dominated field, you tend to stand out,” says Noack. “ You can use this to your advantage. People will remember you. You have a chance to be a role model, and pave the way for a future generation of female technicians.”

Why TTC buses don’t have snow tires

According to Ralph Warner of the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada, municipal transit buses do not need winter snow tires.
They are not going at rates of high speed, and operate under a completely different scenario then passenger cars.
“They are not needed,” said Warner in a telephone interview. “They have a different configuration.”

Randy Bucao

Toronto’s new council: white, again

First-time candidate Randy Bucao never thought the colour of his olive skin was going to be a problem in his campaign during the recent 2014 Toronto municipal election. A mechanical engineer who moved to Canada in 1994, he’s been heavily involved with the city’s Catholic school board, and his Filipino-Canadian organizations in Toronto. Bucao knew he would face a challenge campaigning for a council seat in a heavily ethnic area, Ward 10, York-Centre, but not blatant racism from some residents.