How to get involved in politics based on your zodiac sign (even if you think politics is zzzz)

The provincial election is right around the corner, and we’ve got tips for all 12 astrological signs

Astrologer and tarot reader, Tara Greene, smiling while conversing about the relationship between astrology and politics.
Toronto-based astrologer, Tara Greene, smiling while holding an astrological wheel at her home in the Roncesvalles area.  

Astrology is becoming a popular concept among Canada’s youngest adults. More than half of Canadians aged 18-34 believe in astrology, according to a 2021 poll conducted by Research Co

But, young people are disengaged with politics.

An Elections Canada survey found that nearly 80 per cent of Canadians aged 25 and younger felt less likely to vote because of a lack of integration of young people into the political system.

So, can a belief in one fuel an interest in the other?

Astrology can help the younger generation intellectually and emotionally respond to their political opinions, values and desires, Tara Greene, a Toronto-based astrologer told The Toronto Observer. “Astrology can be used to help you in every aspect of your life, so why not politics?” Greene said.

Tara Greene tweets her use of astrology to predict the Ontario provincial elections 11 years ago for Post City Magazine (Twitter/Jla Johnson).

Whether you believe in astrology or not (and science has yet to back up astrology’s claims), political engagement can help drive societal change. With the provincial election coming up on Thursday, here’s how Greene said each of the zodiac signs can get more involved in politics.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

“Aries are all about the fight,” Greene said. They are a passionate and action-oriented sign who goes out there and fights for what they want, she added.

For the Aries who don’t know much about politics, one way to get more involved is to join or perhaps even start a protest that speaks to the issues that matter most to them.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Tauruses are ruled by Venus, the planet of finances and luxury goods, Greene said. 

So, Tauruses might want to research candidates whose platforms pertain to property and sales taxes to learn more about politics. This will help offer insight into who they may want to vote for and the stability this sign longs for. 


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Geminis will ask themselves a lot of questions or even second guess themselves before heading to the voting booth, especially if they don’t know much about politics, Greene said.

“Because of their natural communication skills, Geminis make for great campaigners,” Greene said. Thus, Geminis should try volunteering for their local candidate.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Cancers love food, Greene said. 

To get more involved, Cancers could try baking homemade goods to fundraise for a political campaign. 


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Leos are heartfelt, loud and love to voice their opinions, Greene said.

Leos should try channelling their charismatic energy into writing a letter to a candidate to express their concerns for issues that they care about.

Astrologer and tarot reader, Tara Greene, smiling while conversing with photographer Jla Johnson about the relationship between astrology and politics.
Astrologer Tara Greene stands outside of her Toronto home, smiling while chatting about the relationship between politics and astrology. (Jla Starr Johnson/Toronto Observer)


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Virgos are the nit-pickers and fact-checkers Greene said. “They’re going to get the information of every candidate, go over it with a fine-tooth comb, and think about it,” Greene said.

A great way to get actively participate in this upcoming election as a Virgo is to make a meticulous voting plan. 

A 2014 study at the University of Harvard found that people were more likely to cast their ballot if they came up with a voting plan.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

With the scales of justice as their archetype, balance and fairness are qualities that a Libras look for in a provincial candidate, Greene said.

Libras look for candidates who aren’t going to offend anybody and appeals to everyone,” Greene said. “They want (an MPP) who, when you watch them debate, is really going to listen to the arguments of their opponents.”

Merlyn-Sayge Acton, a Libra and 19-year-old Scarborough resident said she is quite interested in astrology but not very active in politics. “I am not necessarily interested in picking a side,” Acton said.

Acton said she hasn’t thought about using her zodiac sign to learn more about politics. “That’s really interesting. That’s probably something I would look into now,” she said.

Libras are great listeners and very social, Greene said. That’s why Libras would do well to set up a night with friends to watch political debates on YouTube. This will give them the opportunity to catch up with pals while learning about the multiple viewpoints on issues and candidates.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Scorpios rule banking and finance, Greene said.

So, to get more involved in politics, Scorpios might want to research candidates whose platform promises revolve around lowering or raising taxes. 


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Sagittariuses get pretty involved in politics, according to Greene. 

“They will go to the civic and town hall meetings and question candidates,” because they want to know if they will deliver on their promises, Greene said.

Attending or organizing a rally is right up Sagittarius’ alley. This will help Sags learn more about their political values and take action on the change they want to see happen in the world.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Capricorns have a rap for being business-oriented, Greene said (after all, Jeff Bezos is a Capricorn!). 

Calling all Capricorns: a way to find politics a little bit more interesting is by researching candidates who put their money where their mouth is, literally. 


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

With their innovative nature, Aquarians appreciate candidates who stand out from others and want to bring radical change, Greene said. 

Known as the humanitarians of the zodiac, Aquarians would want to get involved with politics by advocating for issues regarding the LGBTQ+ community or the environment.


(Jla Johnson/Toronto Observer)

Pruthvi Patel, a Pisces, and a 20-year-old student with a double major in life sciences and political science at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus, said she has recently become interested in politics. (UTSC is part of the joint journalism program that this reporter is a student of.)

“I don’t pay as much attention to it as I should,” Patel said, “But I understand why it is important for younger people to have a voice.”

Patel said she understands astrology can teach people about many aspects of their life, but has never heard of it correlating with the political aspect. “It would be an interesting subject to utilize and learn more about politics,” Patel said.

“As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces understands that everyone and everything is interconnected,” Greene said. 

So, for Pisces who are new to politics, they might want to research more about the importance of voting for the sake of doing their part for the community. 

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Posted: Jun 1 2022 1:00 pm
Filed under: Entertainment Lifestyle Politics Vote On Scarbz