Doug Ford

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What’s missing when a candidate drops out?

When mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson walked into her campaign office last Sept. 9, she was greeted by a sometimes uncommon sight – reporters ready and waiting. “We became accustomed to the fact that every time I had a press announcement, the press wouldn’t cover it,” Thomson said. But the reporters’ presence that day was bittersweet. Thomson was about to drop out of the running for mayor of Toronto. According to Thomson, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Ford accuses Tory of hiding full business resume

Mayoral candidate Ford released a new ad attacking his opponent Tory’s business track record at a press conference Wednesday in Etobicoke. The ad focuses on Tory’s eight-year tenure on the director’s board of American telecom company, Charter Communications.

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Ford seeks apology from Tory

Doug Ford called for John Tory to apologize to him for a statement accusing him of being a racist. The two mayoral candidates along with Olivia Chow participated in a debate at Centennial College’s Progress Campus…

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Candidates dress and speak to relate to voters

When Doug Ford launched his mayoral campaign two weeks ago, he wasn’t wearing the Armani suit he often wears at Toronto council meetings. Instead, he’d chosen a gingham button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up. Adam Giambrone, former Toronto councillor says it’s smart politicking. “You often notice more established politicians will put on more comfortable shoes and wear khakis, not jeans,” Giambrone said. “Frankly it works to a poorer socio-economic environment than it would in Rosedale.”